Articles about Epilepsy

Epilepsy Treatment


Treatment of epilepsy - is expensive. However, the savings on medications negates all efforts of doctors...

diagnosis of diabetes

In this regard, note the relationship between psychiatrists epilepsy and depression, which can be caused by the following factors...

the first symptoms of diabetes

L'epilessia può essere causato da un qualche tipo di lesioni cerebrali, danni in varie malattie, ma si sviluppa spesso senza apparente motivo e registrato, spesso nella prima infanzia. In connessione con gli attacchi, e il corso generale della malattia, prima o poi...

diabetic coma

It is known that large amounts of fluid intake facilitates the onset of seizures. There are even special tricks to provoke attacks using "water shock". On this basis, some authors recommend the restriction...


Epilepsy - is a disease of the brain. In it there are pockets of pathological activity causing seizures with cramps. Sometimes, their causes are quite clear: trauma, stroke, brain tumor, meningitis, parasitic diseases...

diagnosis of diabetes

20-30 years ago the treatment of epilepsy, and indeed was considered the prerogative of psychiatrists, but thanks to the efforts of the Society of Neurologists became neurology area...

the first symptoms of diabetes

There are legal restrictions on some professions, where patients with epilepsy can cause harm to themselves or others from resulting attack, professions and activities that affect the lives and health of the patient and the people around him...

diabetic coma

For the patients themselves and their relatives are important opportunities to lead a normal life (most frequently asked questions: how the disease and drugs affect the ability to think, to work, drive a car, play sports, watch TV...