The Effects of Coronavirus: Stroke and Epilepsy?

German scientist Frank Erbgut-head of the neurological center at the Nuremberg clinic reported on the neurological manifestations of COVID-19. According to the Professor, in seriously ill patients, stroke, inflammation of the meninges, dizziness and even epilepsy can appear as complications. The virus triggers a self-destructive autoimmune process in which the body attacks its own nerve cells. Frank Erbgut noted that neurological complications were observed in 36.4 % of patients in Wuhan, China. But the Professor reassured, stating that such complications do not appear in the General mass. And they should be considered the exception rather than the rule.
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Not a Terrible Epilepsy at all

In common use, the term epilepsy refers to a whole group of diseases with very different clinical manifestations and different outcomes. Today, medicine knows more than 60 such diseases… People have known about this disease since ancient times. Medical historians say that there is no substance, mineral, animal or vegetable origin, which would not try to treat epilepsy. People who suffer from this disease, some consider mentally disabled, others-geniuses. Which of them is closer to the truth? Let's try to figure it out. The name is there, but the disease is not? In fact, there is no disease called "epilepsy". In common use, this term refers to a whole group of diseases with very different clinical manifestations and different outcomes. Today, medicine knows more than 60 such diseases. Among them,…
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The Ketogenic Diet in Drug-resistant Epilepsy

Relevance Epilepsy is a disorder in which periodic seizures are caused by abnormal electrical impulses that occur in the brain. In most people, seizures can be controlled with one or more antiepileptic medications, but sometimes after a while these medications stop helping (so-called drug-resistant-epilepsy). People with drug-resistant epilepsy may be prescribed a special diet (the so-called ketogenic diet). Ketogenic diets are high in fat and low in carbohydrates. The purpose of this review was to study the effects of ketogenic diets on seizure control, cognitive abilities (such as learning, attention, and academic performance in children; learning, attention, and memory in adults), and behavior. We also looked at the side effects of this diet, the number of participants who dropped out of studies, and the reasons for their dropping out. Characteristics…
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Placebo-analgesic Neurotransmitters

The placebo effect caused by pre-administration of different painkillers can be formed with the participation of different neurotransmitters-substances that provide signal transmission between nerve cells. It hides not one, but several different mechanisms that reflect the General principles of the nervous system, but implemented in different ways. A few years after experiments with stimulation, the main neurotransmitters of this phenomenon were found in laboratory rodents of the Central gray matter. They turned out to be endorphins, enkephalins, and a number of other substances called endogenous opioids. Their molecules have areas similar to those of the plant opioid morphine, so that all these substances can bind to opioid receptors, causing pain relief. Both short-term stress-induced pain relief and longer-term pain relief, which occur in response to almost any pain, are associated…
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As a by-product affects pain

The information that we are aware of may differ markedly from what was originally received in our brain. The brain completes the information received, filling in gaps and eliminating uncertainty. This happens both with visual images, and with the read text, and with the speech perceived by ear, and with the feeling of the position of the body in space. Due to this, the processing is faster and usually gives a more accurate result. To complete the information, we use any available hints and keys. And this process is the more intense, the more uncertain the information received, that is, the more different ways to interpret it. One of the most obvious and studied examples is the processing of information about the taste of food and drinks. It is known…
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