Children with epilepsy, schooling

Epilepsy and Children
The preservation to this day of misconceptions about epilepsy in society leads to the fact that the diagnosis of "epilepsy" is associated with some "defect" of the patient and his danger to society. However, epilepsy is not always combined with dementia and mental disorders. Indeed, there are severe forms of epilepsy with frequent various attacks that began in early childhood, and mental retardation. Various mental disorders occur in an average of 30-40% of patients with epilepsy. At the same time, among patients with epilepsy, there are many people with normal and high intelligence, as well as many talented people who went down in history. In many countries, public policies are aimed at involving people with disabilities in the General education system. This applies to children suffering from epilepsy, except when…
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Children with epilepsy, abnormalities on EEG without seizures

Epilepsy and Children
The term "convulsive readiness" is currently considered to be incorrect, as different specialists may imply different changes to EEG under this term. A more precise description of the detected violations is needed. If epileptiform activity (changes characteristic of epilepsy) is detected on EEG, the interpretation of these changes depends on the individual clinical situation. In most cases, treatment is prescribed only when the patient has seizures accompanied by epileptic activity on EEG. As a rule, if changes in EEG are detected, and there are no clinical manifestations of seizures, treatment should not be prescribed, since asymptomatic changes in EEG (characteristic of epilepsy, but not accompanied by seizures) do not indicate that in the future this person will necessarily have seizures. Pathological changes in EEG (focal or generalized epileptiform activity) can…
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Children with epilepsy, additional rights

About Epilepsy, Epilepsy and Children
Patients with epilepsy have the right to be examined by the most modern methods and treatment (with the use of effective antiepileptic drugs). Patients with epilepsy have the right to receive free antiepileptic drugs included in the list of vital medicines. The list of medicines issued for free, is regularly changed, so the latest information on this matter can be obtained from the attending physician. Parents have the right to issue a disability to a child suffering from epilepsy in the presence of attacks resistant to therapy. Security measures at home All sources of fire must have reliable covers, and heating devices must be removed to a safe place. If the child sometimes have sudden (without aura) seizures, you can put on the corners of the furniture plastic rounded plates.…
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The Causes of Epilepsy in a Child

Epilepsy and Children
Risk Factors for the Disease Epilepsy in children is a chronic neurological disease, which is characterized by the predisposition of the baby to the appearance of convulsive attacks. Accurately identify the causes of epilepsy in a child can not in all cases, because the nature of the disease is not yet fully understood. Pathology is diagnosed most often in children aged 5 to 18 years. Predisposition to the Development of the Disease A number of factors that affect the appearance of epilepsy: Brain lesions (including infectious Genesis-meningitis, encephalitis); Head injuries; Generic head injuries Perinatal encephalopathy; The appearance of seizures, which are not associated with epilepsy; Febrile convulsions; Spasmophilia; Convulsions due to administration of drugs; Seizures caused by metabolic disorders; Epiactivity on EEG. Bce the above factors are signs of a…
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