We were asked: why take vitamin D in the summer?

Many people are used to believing that vitamin D cannot be in short supply in summer. Or that it should be taken in addition only in the gloomy fall and winter period, and some believe that it is required only for children under a year. As you can already guess, all these opinions are wrong, how things really are, we will tell you today. Why do I need vitamin D? Vitamin D is not really a vitamin, it is a group of substances with prohormonal activity. That is, they are not hormones themselves, but as a result of biochemical reactions in our body they are converted into them. Vitamin D performs the following important functions: helps strengthen immunity, regulates metabolic processes in the body - the synthesis of proteins, enzymes,…
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How to choose the right diet for epilepsy

How to choose the right diet is the most worrying question for a person who wants to lose weight. Despite the fruitful work of nutritionists and the huge choice of techniques for losing weight, the problem of excess weight has not disappeared. Most cases of ineffectiveness of the diet used are due to the wrong choice of its components. In the process of selecting a diet that is acceptable for yourself, there are many factors to consider for the result to be truly qualitative. What do you need to pay attention to in order to choose the right diet? First of all, assess the state of your health. If you have endocrine disorders or hormonal disorders, a diet with dietary restriction not only will not help to lose weight, but…
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The Person is Sick

The ascetic was sitting in a cave and meditating. Suddenly a mouse scurried into the cave and clung to his sandals. The ascetic got angry and opened his eyes: "Why are you stopping me from thinking? "" I'm hungry, " the mouse squeaked. "Go away, you stupid mouse," the ascetic said. "I am looking for unity with God, how dare you stop me!" "How do you want to become one with God, if you are not able to become one even with me?" All the previous arguments were aimed at realizing that a person can be sick, but can not get sick. This is the main difference between our and the medical approach to the problem of illness. Medicine considers the disease as "an obstacle to the normal healthy state…
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Everything that exists is in you, and everything that is in you is also in everything that exists. There is no boundary between you and the object that is near you, just as there is no distance between you and objects that are far away. All of them, the biggest and the smallest, the lowest and the highest, are represented in you. A single atom contains all the elements that exist on Earth. All the laws of life are contained in one movement of the spirit. One drop of water contains all 38 secrets of the boundless ocean. In a separate form of the manifestation of your existence, all forms of the existence of life in general are contained. Cahil Gibran A person says "I", meaning by this many of…
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Vertical Topography of Consciousness

How differently people evaluate these complementary positions can be seen from the fact that when studying the different capabilities of one and the other hemispheres, the abilities of the left hemisphere were quickly identified and described, while the properties of the right hemisphere remained a mystery for a long time. It didn't seem to be capable of anything useful. But in fact, nature has a much higher estimate of the capabilities of the right, irrational part of the brain, because in dangerous situations involving a threat to life, the right hemisphere automatically switches to the dominant state, and not the left hemisphere. A stressful situation cannot be adequately and quickly assessed at the analytical level, decomposing it into its components. If the right hemisphere is dominant, then it is possible…
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Jesus said to them: "If you two become one, and if you turn the inner into the outer, and the outer into the inner, making the upper the lower, if the male and the female become one, if the male ceases to be male and the female ceases to be female, if you look at the world with the same eyes and leave the same footprints on the earth, then you will enter the kingdom of God." The Gospel of Thomas, log. 22 We are forced to turn to a somewhat difficult topic, the topic of polarity, because this is an important prerequisite for understanding the entire book. Talking about polarity is never superfluous, because it is the central problem of being. By saying "I", a person separates himself from…
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Disease and Symptoms

We live in a time when medicine is constantly presenting us, enthusiastic amateurs, with evidence of its verging on miraculous power. But in the chorus celebrating science, the voices of skeptics are getting louder. Many people prefer to entrust their health not to academic medicine, but to healers and homeopaths. Skeptics have enough reasons for criticism: negative side effects of taking medications, changes in symptoms (when some manifestations of the disease seem to be erased, and others behave "atypically". - Ed.), inhumane approach, high cost, and much more. Interesting is not so much the arguments of critics, as the fact of its existence, because before becoming constructive, she had to go through an emotional stage, giving the impression that all is not right that the-beaten path, although closer to the…
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The Effects of Coronavirus: Stroke and Epilepsy?

German scientist Frank Erbgut-head of the neurological center at the Nuremberg clinic reported on the neurological manifestations of COVID-19. According to the Professor, in seriously ill patients, stroke, inflammation of the meninges, dizziness and even epilepsy can appear as complications. The virus triggers a self-destructive autoimmune process in which the body attacks its own nerve cells. Frank Erbgut noted that neurological complications were observed in 36.4 % of patients in Wuhan, China. But the Professor reassured, stating that such complications do not appear in the General mass. And they should be considered the exception rather than the rule.
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Not a Terrible Epilepsy at all

In common use, the term epilepsy refers to a whole group of diseases with very different clinical manifestations and different outcomes. Today, medicine knows more than 60 such diseases… People have known about this disease since ancient times. Medical historians say that there is no substance, mineral, animal or vegetable origin, which would not try to treat epilepsy. People who suffer from this disease, some consider mentally disabled, others-geniuses. Which of them is closer to the truth? Let's try to figure it out. The name is there, but the disease is not? In fact, there is no disease called "epilepsy". In common use, this term refers to a whole group of diseases with very different clinical manifestations and different outcomes. Today, medicine knows more than 60 such diseases. Among them,…
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The Ketogenic Diet in Drug-resistant Epilepsy

Relevance Epilepsy is a disorder in which periodic seizures are caused by abnormal electrical impulses that occur in the brain. In most people, seizures can be controlled with one or more antiepileptic medications, but sometimes after a while these medications stop helping (so-called drug-resistant-epilepsy). People with drug-resistant epilepsy may be prescribed a special diet (the so-called ketogenic diet). Ketogenic diets are high in fat and low in carbohydrates. The purpose of this review was to study the effects of ketogenic diets on seizure control, cognitive abilities (such as learning, attention, and academic performance in children; learning, attention, and memory in adults), and behavior. We also looked at the side effects of this diet, the number of participants who dropped out of studies, and the reasons for their dropping out. Characteristics…
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