Magical Treatment

Magical ideas about the causes of the disease dictate the appropriate methods of treatment. If the disease can move into the body, why not try to force or cunning to drive it out of the patient? Historians and ethnographers have documented in detail the incredible ingenuity with which mankind has tried to move the disease to another, more appropriate place. Almost any objects, plants or animals could become the new receptacle of the disease. The ancient Egyptians put pork to their sick eyes, so that evil spirits moved there. For the same reasons, migraine was treated by applying fish heads to its head. The weakened inhabitants of the Moluccas beat themselves with stones, which they then threw away, believing that the weakness had moved from the suffering body to the…
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Basic Instinct

One of the main myths of medicine is that it was invented by human civilization. In fact, it appeared long before us. We will never know who was the first living creature to resort to natural medicines, or what social animal first helped rid another member of its species of parasites. But we can be sure that this behavior contributed to survival, and therefore was fixed in the process of natural selection. Now we can observe both self-treatment and medical mutual assistance in a variety of animals starting with relatively simple insects. Infected fly larvae caterpillars of butterflies of mole crickets eat the leaves that contain toxic alkaloids. And, apparently, the drug is quite effective: this behavior increases the chances of caterpillars to survive. And fruit flies infected with rider…
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Evolution of views on the importance of mental disorders in epilepsy for clinical and social prognosis

Throughout the period of study of the clinic of mental disorders in epilepsy, there was a desire of researchers to identify two main features of these conditions: their structural features and duration. This trend remains dominant today. However, these two clinical signs are considered comparatively rarely in terms of their relationship with the main characteristics of the disease – the type and stage of the course of epileptic disease. In accordance with the objectives of the present work reproduced the literature data soposta - us have been made with the data obtained in the course of our own research. At the same time, we tried to consider the structure and dynamics of mental disorders in epilepsy, correlating its productive and negative psychopathological manifestations and, if possible, using the syndromes present…
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Problem Hyperopic

Of course, the parents of a child who has had an epileptic attack or has already been diagnosed with epilepsy, are concerned about many issues that they would like to discuss with the doctor. They are worried about the future of the child: how this disease will affect the fate of their daughter or son, his studies, choice of profession, whether he will be happy in his personal life, whether he will be able to create a family, have healthy children. At the same time, they are very concerned about questions concerning the near future, the answer to which should be received as soon as possible. Will the attacks happen again? How can you help the treatment of the child? What is the mode of the day must respect the…
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Causes of epilepsy

Some forms of epilepsy, with characteristic clinical manifestations, always begin in childhood, and in certain years of the child's life. Clinical manifestations of seizures in these forms of epilepsy are associated with immaturity of the brain. As you grow older, attacks of this type are no longer observed: they either pass or transform into other types of attacks. For example, infantile spasms (West's syndrome) — attacks in the form of "nods", "folding" ("Salaam attacks") begin in the first months of life and are observed only in the first year of life. In children older than 1 year, these attacks are transformirovalsya or in other attacks the falls, the attacks of the "fading", the tonic and tonic-clonic seizures and. West Syndrome often goes into another severe form of childhood epilepsy syndrome,…
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Children with epilepsy, vaccinations

Most vaccinations are no more dangerous for children with epilepsy than for healthy children! However, some vaccinations for children with epilepsy are contraindicated: vaccinations against whooping cough, diphtheria, typhoid, paratyphoid and cholera. Is DTP desirable to do TD. Often there are clinical situations when parents associate the debut of epilepsy with vaccination. It should be borne in mind that the beginning of most forms of epilepsy falls on early childhood, at a time when most vaccinations are done, and therefore some children have a simple coincidence in the time of the beginning of epileptic seizures with vaccination. Other children have a febrile reaction (fever) to some vaccinations in combination with the development of febrile seizures without long-term consequences. Allergic reaction to the components of the vaccine in rare cases leads…
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Special problems in adolescents

When a child reaches adolescence, parents meet with new problems. Adolescents often seek to "get out of parental control" and become independent, although they are not ready to take responsibility for their lives and health. In adolescence, the character often deteriorates, the child becomes bold and uncontrollable, tends to spend more time in the company of friends. Adolescence is associated with such important risk factors that worsen the course of epilepsy as irregular sleep (lack of sleep, early awakening), improper fulfillment of doctor's appointments, powerful photo stimulation (a teenager often spends a lot of time at the computer, in front of the TV, goes to concerts of modern music and discos), alcohol intake, the first drug test, the first sexual experience (which can be associated with a stressful situation), etc.…
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Children with epilepsy, the main tasks of parents

The child is often unable to properly follow the doctor's recommendations and regularly take medication. At the same time, the peculiarity of the treatment of epilepsy is the need for regular daily medication (usually at the same time) for many years. Accidental skipping of the pill may lead to the resumption or frequency of attacks, and accidental intake of too large a dose – to the appearance of side effects of drugs. To implement the recommendations of the doctor is necessary very accurately. Therefore, the monitoring of treatment should be provided by the parents. It is necessary to strictly monitor the correct intake of prescribed drugs, even if it is necessary to resort to pedagogical pressure on the child. Sometimes it helps a special box, where decomposed drugs for a…
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Children with epilepsy, schooling

Epilepsy and Children
The preservation to this day of misconceptions about epilepsy in society leads to the fact that the diagnosis of "epilepsy" is associated with some "defect" of the patient and his danger to society. However, epilepsy is not always combined with dementia and mental disorders. Indeed, there are severe forms of epilepsy with frequent various attacks that began in early childhood, and mental retardation. Various mental disorders occur in an average of 30-40% of patients with epilepsy. At the same time, among patients with epilepsy, there are many people with normal and high intelligence, as well as many talented people who went down in history. In many countries, public policies are aimed at involving people with disabilities in the General education system. This applies to children suffering from epilepsy, except when…
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Children with epilepsy, abnormalities on EEG without seizures

Epilepsy and Children
The term "convulsive readiness" is currently considered to be incorrect, as different specialists may imply different changes to EEG under this term. A more precise description of the detected violations is needed. If epileptiform activity (changes characteristic of epilepsy) is detected on EEG, the interpretation of these changes depends on the individual clinical situation. In most cases, treatment is prescribed only when the patient has seizures accompanied by epileptic activity on EEG. As a rule, if changes in EEG are detected, and there are no clinical manifestations of seizures, treatment should not be prescribed, since asymptomatic changes in EEG (characteristic of epilepsy, but not accompanied by seizures) do not indicate that in the future this person will necessarily have seizures. Pathological changes in EEG (focal or generalized epileptiform activity) can…
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