Children with epilepsy, schooling

Epilepsy and Children
The preservation to this day of misconceptions about epilepsy in society leads to the fact that the diagnosis of "epilepsy" is associated with some "defect" of the patient and his danger to society. However, epilepsy is not always combined with dementia and mental disorders. Indeed, there are severe forms of epilepsy with frequent various attacks that began in early childhood, and mental retardation. Various mental disorders occur in an average of 30-40% of patients with epilepsy. At the same time, among patients with epilepsy, there are many people with normal and high intelligence, as well as many talented people who went down in history. In many countries, public policies are aimed at involving people with disabilities in the General education system. This applies to children suffering from epilepsy, except when…
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Children with epilepsy, abnormalities on EEG without seizures

Epilepsy and Children
The term "convulsive readiness" is currently considered to be incorrect, as different specialists may imply different changes to EEG under this term. A more precise description of the detected violations is needed. If epileptiform activity (changes characteristic of epilepsy) is detected on EEG, the interpretation of these changes depends on the individual clinical situation. In most cases, treatment is prescribed only when the patient has seizures accompanied by epileptic activity on EEG. As a rule, if changes in EEG are detected, and there are no clinical manifestations of seizures, treatment should not be prescribed, since asymptomatic changes in EEG (characteristic of epilepsy, but not accompanied by seizures) do not indicate that in the future this person will necessarily have seizures. Pathological changes in EEG (focal or generalized epileptiform activity) can…
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Children with epilepsy, additional rights

About Epilepsy, Epilepsy and Children
Patients with epilepsy have the right to be examined by the most modern methods and treatment (with the use of effective antiepileptic drugs). Patients with epilepsy have the right to receive free antiepileptic drugs included in the list of vital medicines. The list of medicines issued for free, is regularly changed, so the latest information on this matter can be obtained from the attending physician. Parents have the right to issue a disability to a child suffering from epilepsy in the presence of attacks resistant to therapy. Security measures at home All sources of fire must have reliable covers, and heating devices must be removed to a safe place. If the child sometimes have sudden (without aura) seizures, you can put on the corners of the furniture plastic rounded plates.…
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Child with Epilepsy

Like other children, children with epilepsy need communication and a society of peers. As for other parents, the opportunity to send a child to a kindergarten for parents of a child with epilepsy is an opportunity to work or free time for themselves. Work, of course, - the best financial assistance (which is especially important for single-parent families); and the possibility of professional implementation significantly improves the quality of life of parents and reduces parental stress associated with the disease of the child. If there is no need for the mother to go to work, the emergence of free time, which can be devoted to favorite activities or care for other family members, also leads to an improvement in the mood of the mother, the microclimate in the family and…
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Video-EEG monitoring

Encyclopedia of Epilepsy for Patients
Video-EEG monitoring The main method of diagnosis of epilepsy is electroencephalography (EEG). However, with a single record of EEG in a clinic or in a medical center, usually carried out in the period between attacks, pathological changes are not always detected. This is due to the fact that the probability of an attack at the time of recording the EEG is not high enough. At the same time, some patients (though not all) changes in EEG are detected only during attacks. Therefore, the most valuable diagnostic method is the long-term recording of EEG. EEG monitoring (long — term EEG recording for several hours, usually during the day) and video EEG monitoring-EEG monitoring in combination with constant video recording, allowing you to get a record of EEG during the attack at…
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Pregnancy and epilepsy

Encyclopedia of Epilepsy for Patients
Pregnancy and epilepsy In some cases, pregnancy does not change the frequency of seizures, and sometimes even improves the control of seizures, but in about 1/3 of cases there is a deterioration in the control of seizures during pregnancy. This may be due to a number of factors. High levels of estrogen/progesterone may play a role in the first trimester of pregnancy. In addition, there is a decrease in the level of some AEP in plasma due to physiological processes occurring during pregnancy. In 2 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy, the volume of blood plasma increases by about 1/3, thereby reducing the concentration of AEP when administered in the body of the previous dose. Changes in AEP concentrations are also explained by an increase in the rate of excretion of…
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Atonic seizures

Encyclopedia of Epilepsy for Patients
Atonic seizures Atonic seizures are a rarer type of epileptic seizures (less than 1% of all seizures with epilepsy). They occur in some severe forms of epilepsy, with onset in early childhood, such as Lennox-gasto syndrome. Atonic attacks are manifested by a sudden loss of muscle tone, the patient " goes limp "and falls (slowly"settles"). Convulsive contractions are absent. Atonic seizures are often the result of severe brain damage. Aura The aura is unusual, but specific to the patient's feelings, which is the initiation (beginning) focal seizure (e.g., visual illusions, a sense of unpleasant odor, fear, etc.). Aura-the result of a pathological discharge in a certain area of the cortex and depends on the function performed by this part of the cortex. If the epileptic discharge remains localized, the consciousness…
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encyclopedia of epilepsy for patients

Encyclopedia of Epilepsy for Patients
Encyclopedia of Epilepsy for Patients Epileptica Absence seizures previously were called attacks of "petit mal" ("small attacks"). Attacks of this type begin in childhood and adolescence. As a rule, they do not occur in other age groups. The appearance of absence seizures in adults requires the exclusion of focal seizures (as sometimes focal seizures can resemble absence seizures its external manifestations). With the development of the attack the patient suddenly stops, the gaze seems empty, missing (simple absence seizure); perhaps the tremor of the eyelids, swallowing and throwing back the head or drop the head on the chest, redness or pallor of the face, automatic movements (complex absense). The attacks are very short (lasting several seconds), and how the patient and the surrounding, can not see them. Adults can interpret…
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Epilepsy in Children and Adolescents

Epilepsy in children and adolescents EPILEPSY is a chronic disease of the brain, manifested by repeated convulsive or convulsive attacks (paroxysms) and specific changes in personality. The prevalence of epilepsy in childhood and adolescence is 5-8 cases per 1000 children, which significantly exceeds the prevalence of epilepsy in adults. These figures include only patients with repeated seizures requiring medical supervision and taking anticonvulsant medications. The number of children who have had at least a single epileptic seizure is much higher and accounts for 5-7% of the child population. Epilepsy is characterized by the onset of seizures in childhood and adolescence (more than 75% of cases of epilepsy manifest in the first two decades of life). There are three peaks of epilepsy manifestations: at the first year of life, at the…
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How I Learned to Live with Epilepsy

Live with Epilepsy
How I Learned to Live with Epilepsy NOW I AND MY DIAGNOSIS IS "EPILEPSY", ONE MIGHT SAY, BECAME FRIENDS. It's like we were just Dating before, and now we realize we're serious, and we're moving in together. I wasn't going to live with epilepsy before, but I'm studying now. It imposes on my daily routine are not so irreconcilable restrictions, but they are still depressing. Sometimes there is a feeling as if you have planned a busy weekend with friends, and you, as a child, are driven home ahead of time — only you are already an adult. We are very different: I am a moderate, love to do everything as if tomorrow is the end of the world, to have fun spontaneously, to shed hundreds of cubic meters of…
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